Tmux Notes

Common Sense

Tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time.


  • Session: A session can have multiple windows.
  • Window: A window can have multiple panes. The is mismatch between current understanding of a "window" and the term "window" in tmux, which is more like "tab". A session is more like a window that have multiple tabs.
  • Pane: You can split a window into multiple panes.

Master key: Ctrl+B. Inside a tmux session, to navigate around, you will need to press Ctrl+B first before hitting any actual command keys.

Cheat Sheet

Outside Tmux Session

  • tmux a -t <name>: attach(reconnect) to a tmux session.
  • tmux new -s <name>: new a tmux session with the given name.

Inside a Tmux Session

Hit Ctrl+B first, and then:

  • N: switch to the next window.
  • P: switch to the previous window.
  • ↑/↓/←/→: switch to the pane given by the arrow key.
  • <: rename the current window.
  • %: split the current pane vertically.
  • ": split the current pane horizontally.
  • c: create a new window.
  • x: close the current pane.
