1. VSCode Using Notes

    How to add "Program Files" in VS Code settings

    Use "C:\Program Files\..." or C:\"Program Files"\...

    How to write MATLAB scripts in VSCode

    However, I find it not a good idea. The terminal crashes from time to time and Workspace in MATLAB cannot be integrated into vscode.

    The main …

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  2. Git Learning Notes


    When using git to collaborate with others, the following workflow should be taken:

    1. git checkout main to switch the local branch to main.
    2. git pull origin main to pull the remote main branch to the local branch to catch up the work.
    3. git checkout -b newLocalBranchName to create a …
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  3. Matlab Learning Notes

    Docs: MATLAB Help Center

    Table Related

    How to filter a table

    theTable(theTable.VariableName == 0, :);

    returns a table that contains every row in theTable whose VariableName == 0.

    Remove Rows from Table


    This removes rows with row id 3,5,7 from the table.


    Things Unique …

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  4. Vue Learning Notes

    Style Related

    Add Style to the Chosen Router Link

    The chosen router link has a class .router-link-exact-active

    Vue Router Related

    Navigation Guard

    Docs: Navigation Guards

    As the name suggests, the navigation guards provided by Vue router are primarily used to guard navigations either by redirecting it or canceling it.

    To …

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