1. Tank War Game with CLI

    Github Repo

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    A simple tank war game with CLI that supports PVP, PVE and DEMO.

    Compile the program

    To compile it, you need to install:

    • g++, a cpp compiler. Remember to add it to PATH …
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  2. A Number Guessing Game Bot

    Here's the rules.
    The following is a web implementation of the algorithms that uses the Information Theory. That can get the correct number in an average of 5.2 steps.

    A B

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  3. 树莓派入门:安装与配置



    比如我目前入手的树莓派3B …

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  4. 在树莓派上搭建Nextcloud私有云


    在树莓派这个预算下,基本上是owncloud和nextcloud二分天下。而owncloud现在美国德国高层分歧大,技术开发们受不了于是另辟炉灶开发了nextcloud。也就是说,nextcloud是owncloud原班人马建的,这一点可以体 …

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