Math is Hard




A magma is a set M matched with an operation • that sends any two elements a, b ∈ M to another element, a • b ∈ M, i.e. \((M,\cdot)\) is a magma, if

$$ \forall a,b \in M, a \cdot b \in M $$

Determinant of 3x3 matrix and its derivative

$$ A_{3\times3}(t)=[v_1(t)\ v_2(t)\ v_3(t)]\

\mathrm{det}(A(t))=(v_1(t)\times v_2(t))\cdot v_3(t)\ $$

By applying Leibniz rule for vector and dot product,

$$ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\mathrm{det}A(t)=\mathrm{det}[\dot{v}_1(t)\ v_2(t)\ v_3(t)]+\mathrm{det}[v_1(t)\ \dot{v}_2(t)\ v_3(t)]+\mathrm{det}[v_1(t)\ v_2(t)\ \dot{v}_3(t)] $$

Hessian Matrix


$$H_{i,j}=\frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}$$
$$H=\nabla ^2 f$$



Property 1

Let \(A\in R^{n\times n}\)

$$ det(A)=det(A^T) \\ det(A)=(-1)^n det(-A) $$

\(-1\) can be replaced by any number \(c\)

Property 2

Multiply one column (or one row) by \(k\),

$$ \left| \begin{matrix}{l} a_{11}& a_{12}& \cdots& a_{1n}\\ \vdots& \vdots& \ddots& \vdots\\ ka_{i1}& ka_{i2}& \cdots& ka_{in}\\ \vdots& \vdots& \ddots& \vdots\\ a_{n1}& a_{n2}& \cdots& a_{nn}\\ \end{matrix} \right|=k\left| \begin{matrix}{l} a_{11}& a_{12}& \cdots& a_{1n}\\ \vdots& \vdots& \ddots& \vdots\\ a_{i1}& a_{i2}& \cdots& a_{in}\\ \vdots& \vdots& \ddots& \vdots\\ a_{n1}& a_{n2}& \cdots& a_{nn}\\ \end{matrix} \right| $$

The determinant of the new matrix is k times the determinant of the original matrix.

Properties about Cross Product

$$ a\cdot \left( b\times c \right) =b\cdot \left( c\times a \right) =c\cdot \left( a\times b \right) \\ a\times a=0 \\ (a\times b) \cdot a =0 \\ a\times \left( b\times c \right) +b\times \left( c\times a \right) +c\times \left( a\times b \right) =0 \\ \left( a\times b \right) \times \left( a\times c \right) =\left( a\cdot \left( b\times c \right) \right) a $$

For \(a,b,c,d\in \mathbb{R}^3\):

$$ a\times \left( b\times c \right) =\left( a\cdot c \right) b-\left( a\cdot c \right) c \\ (a\times b)\times (a\times c)=(a\cdot (b\times c))a=det(a,b,c)a $$

which is also know as the vector triple product.

$$ (a\times b)\cdot(c\times d)=(a\cdot c)(b\cdot d)-(a\cdot d)(b\cdot c) $$

whose proof is given here:

Proof of the Lagrange identity on vector product

Property of Orthonormal Matrix

$$ Q^TQ=I\\ Q^T=Q^{-1} $$

Linear Transformation In Transformed Basis

$$ v'=P^{-1}APv $$

where \(P\) is the basis of the transformed basis (new basis) in the standard basis (our basis) and \(A\) is the transformation in the standard basis.

Linear transformation in transformed basis

Rotation Matrix

$$ R=\left[ \begin{matrix} \cos \theta& -\sin \theta& 0\\ \sin \theta& \cos \theta& 0\\ 0& 0& 1\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$

rotates points in the \(xy\) plane counterclockwise through an angle \(\theta\).

Judge whether a matrix is a rotation matrix

A matrix is a rotation matrix iff \(R^T=R^{-1}\) i.e. \(R^TR=I\) and \(detR=1\)

Calculate the axis of the rotation matrix

The axis of the rotation matrix stays unchanged after rotation, i.e. \(Rx=x\), \((R-I)x=0\)

Solving the equation and we get the axis of the rotation.

Calculate the rotation angle of the rotation matrix

Choose a random vector, usually \(v=(1,0,0,...,0)\). Therefor, \(w=Rv\), i.e. \(v\) after rotation, is the actually the first column of \(R\) (or you can just do the calculate).

Let \(a\) be the vector representing the axis of the rotation.

We can use \(v'=v-\frac{aa^T}{a^Ta}v\) to get the vector perpendicular to the axis while pointing from the axis to the end of \(v\). Similarly, use \(w'=w-\frac{aa^T}{a^Ta}w\) to get the vector perpendicular to the axis while pointing from the axis t othe end of \(w\).

It's easy to find that \(Span(v',w')\) is perpendicular to the axis \(a\). Therefor, the angle between \(v'\) and \(w'\) is the angle of the rotation, i.e. \(\arccos(\frac{<v',w'>}{||v'||||w'||})\)

QR Factorization

Reference: this video and this video(better, starts at 25:30)

$$ q_3=\frac{C}{||C||} \\ C=c-\frac{A^T c}{A^T A}A-\frac{B^T c}{B^T B}B $$

Nullity of a Matrix

Basically, the dimension of the null space.

Null Space / Kernel of a Matrix

Reference: this video and this video(talks about how to calc)

The null space of \(A\) is all solution \(x\) (a vector), s.t. \(Ax=0\). Often denoted as \(N(A)\) or \(ker(A)\)

Rank of a Matrix

Basically, the dimension of the column space.

Reference: this page

It tell you how to calc the rank of a matrix.

Projection Matrix

Reference: this page

Use Ctrl+F to search for the Projection Matrix part, in which you can find how to solve projection matrix onto certain space.

A projection matrix onto a col space of \(Q\) is:


Specifically, if \(Q\) is a square orthonormal matrix, then \(P=I\)
