1. Linux Using Notes

    Flush DNS cache

    sudo resolvectl flush-caches

    Install dynamic libs *.so

    After installing, use ldconf to refresh symbolic links and caches, or apps may not find your newly installed *.so.

    rsync vs scp

    They are similar tools but you may prefer to use one over another in certain cases:

    • scp is …
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  2. Tmux Notes

    Common Sense

    Tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time.


    • Session: A session can have multiple windows.
    • Window: A window …
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  3. Hello Pelican

    Date: Sat 03 August 2024
    Updated: Sat 03 August 2024

    In 6. Misc.

    Tags: Misc

    I've decided to migrate my blog from Hexo to Pelican. The main reason? I want a lighter site. Maybe I'm getting older and a bit more boring, but I've grown tired of all the fancy CSS animations. Simplicity just feels right these days. Also, it's a pain in the butt …

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